Gavin and Paula Kelly

Gavin and Paula Kelly: Making Skeptics Believers

Gavin and Paula Kelly

Gavin and Paula Kelly

Paranormal Evidence FAKE or REAL & the Do and DON’TS while Investigating Plus Presenting the first Episode of Truth or Legends in your Hometown from season 1 only seen right now on PARAFLIXX and ROKU.

We are called the “Paranormal Sweethearts” Husband and wife Paranormal team based out of Paducah, ky. We got our start in the Paranormal back in 2012. Got bit by the investigating bug and we’ve been investigating locations all over the United States. We’ve taken our ventures as step further, along the journey we are filming our findings along the way. We have filmed for 4 TV shows soon to be on PARAFLIXX and ROKU. Abandoned Paranormal ROADTRIP, Kentucky HAUNTS, Truth or Legends in your Hometown and we have brought back a show from the dead. The Paranormal Journey: Into the Unknown has risen from the ashes and it better than ever, More locations, more history, and definitely more Evidence. We are in this for the Long Haul.